Self Care Activity Ideas For Each and Every Type of Self Care

by Tru and Well

If you’re looking to change up your self-care routine with new self care activity ideas, we’ve got you covered!

Self-care means something different to each person. Therefore, we’ve made a list of the best self-care ideas for the different types of self care. If you’ve been putting your needs on the back burner, it’s time to build a self care routine that works for you!

The important part of building a self-care routine is figuring out what self care activities you like. Even if you spend a few minutes focusing on yourself each day, you’ll realize that it will greatly improve your daily life. There are a few different categories of self care that we will cover as well as some fun self care activity ideas!

Why Are Self Care Activity Ideas Important?

Self care is important because it helps us to take care of our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

When we prioritize self care, we are more likely to feel balanced, healthy, and resilient. This will allow us to cope with the challenges of daily life. Creating a self care routine is a great way to ensure that you’re focusing on different pillars of wellness. Then, you’ll have a balanced and fulfilling life.

There are many different ways to practice self care including getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly. Additionally, there’s engaging in activities that bring us joy and relaxation which is always a great option.

Practicing self care can also involve setting boundaries, saying no to unreasonable demands, and taking time for ourselves to rest and recharge. With so many different ways to practice self care, it’s important to build a routine that works for you.

By focusing on “me-time”, we can show up as the best versions of ourselves. Additionally, this will allow us to lead a healthy life and create strong relationships with ourselves and others.

The Benefits of Self Care

By prioritizing self care, we can improve our overall well-being and quality of life. When we do this, we can have a more positive and well-rounded outlook that allows us to enjoy the good things in our daily routine.

According to a survey conducted by Vagaro, 75% of Americans believe self-care activities can help reduce stress, with at-home spa rituals (40%), getting a manicure/pedicure (30%), exercising outdoors (28%) and working out in a gym (24%) listed as top stress-relieving activities.

Some other findings from the survey were: 7/10 people reward themselves with self-care after a long week. Additionally, people reported a self-confidence boost (64%), increased productivity (67%), and happiness (71%).

Self care has many direct health benefits as well. Below we will cover the many health benefits of each different category of self care. Before we dive into that, let’s also cover what self care is not.

What Self Care Isn’t

While some self care categories may be better suited for some, the best way to practice self care is by setting up a routine that you absolutely love! Self care isn’t just using essential oils and jumping into the bath though.

It’s often said that self care can promote excessive spending or focus on material items. Conversely, self care can be simple, budget-friendly, and within everyone’s means.

When we engage in self care, we are promoting our well-being. It’s important that we reflect on our current lives and from there, create a self care plan that helps fulfill us in the different areas of life that need attention. The most important part of self-care is using it as a tool to bring more joy into our lives when we might need a boost.

Self care also isn’t just for a bad day. To get the most out of a self care routine, you’ll want to have self care activities planned consistently. One self care day will not clear up mental struggles. But regular self care can have long-standing impacts on your life.

Additionally, self care is something that takes too much time. If you can’t find a way to add self care into your routine, we want to show you a few ways. There are a few examples such as: spending 5 minutes outside in the morning, practicing gratitude in the morning for 1 minute, listening to a podcast while you’re doing chores, or even just catching up with a friend while you’re commuting. There’s always enough time to practice self care.

Also, self care is not a replacement for seeking professional help. Therapy and professional help are so amazing for our mental well-being. If you are ever struggling and you’re down, please try to reach out to a mental health professional. While self care will always make us feel better, if there’s something going on that needs to be addressed, you’ll want to focus on your mental well-being.

Now, that we’ve covered the benefits of self care and what self care isn’t, let’s get into self care activity ideas.

Self Care Activity Ideas for the Different Types of Self-Care

We’ve provided a list of things you can do for every category of self care below. Some of these can be easily added to your everyday life by doing some self care first thing in the morning.

Spiritual Self-Care
  • Connecting with nature, spending time outdoors to get fresh air
  • Practicing living in the present moment through mindfulness exercises like mindful meditation and journaling
  • Deep breathing
  • Create a vision board and start manifesting your dream life
  • Releasing negative emotions in your body through yoga

Spiritual self care can help to nourish and care for the spiritual aspect of your being. This can be especially important if you have strong spiritual beliefs or if spirituality is an important part of your life.

Some of the benefits of spiritual self care may include:

  1. Deepend sense of purpose or meaning
  2. Enhanced feelings of well-being and peace
  3. Increased gratitude and appreciation
  4. Ability to cope with challenges
  5. Enhanced sense of connection
  6. Improved physical health

Overall, spiritual self care is full of great self care activity ideas. Feel free to use the ideas above or try out some of your own!

Mental Self-Care

Sometimes when people think of self care, they might not think about how self care can impact mental health. The daily stressors of life can add up and weigh on us. When this happens, we may not keep up with our well-being. It’s always great to take preventative measures to avoid burnout from work, school, and life. These ideas below will help you take charge of your own health.

Some ideas for mental self-care:

  • Reduce social media use through a social media detox
  • Use positive affirmations in the morning
  • Keep a journal to track your mental well-being with habit trackers or bullet journals
  • Practice gratitude
  • Read self care quotes
  • Play your favorite song that puts you in a good mood
  • Set goals and track them
  • Learning new skills

Mental self care can help to reduce the risk of developing mental health problems. It may also be helpful to handle stress and develop positive mental coping mechanisms.

There are many potential benefits of mental self care, as it can help to promote good mental health and well-being. Some of the benefits of mental self care include:

  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Improved mood
  • Ability to develop resilience
  • Enhancing relationships
  • Improved physical health
  • Improved cognitive functioning

Overall, mental self care can help you build a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life. When we build strong mental fortitude, we can show up as our best selves.

Physical Self-Care
  • Using a face mask and focusing on your skincare routine
  • Take a bike ride with a pretty view
  • Book a spa day and pamper yourself
  • Add healthy supplements to your daily routine
  • Meal prep healthy food options for the week ahead
  • Yoga, pilates, weight lifting, walking – just move!
  • Take a bubble bath
  • Get a massage
  • Get adequate hours of sleep each night

While these are just a few ideas of physical self-care, there are many ways to take care of our physical needs. At the end of the day, moving your body regularly is beneficial. Regular exercise can reduce heart rate and blood pressure while giving our energy levels a boost! It can increase blood circulation and prevent heart disease.

Physical self-care is important because it can help to prevent disease and increase longevity.

Some of the benefits of physical self care include:

  • Improved physical health
  • Increased energy levels
  • Improved mood
  • Improved ability to cope with stress
  • Enhanced immune system function

Physical self-care is a great way to improve your help, tackle goals, and increase your longevity.

Emotional Self-Care

While some might think that mental and emotional self-care are similar, they can differ in a few ways. Some ideas for emotional self-care:

  • Practice self-compassion – watch how you talk to yourself and swap negative talk with positive talk
  • Seek out a therapist or therapy
  • Honor your emotions – when you feel a certain way, embrace your feelings
  • Limit exposure to news or negative forms of media – try out podcasts or books instead!
  • Schedule some “me time”
  • Create a morning routine that you absolutely love

Emotional self care is important because our emotions can directly impact all aspects of our life. Emotional well-being impacts our mental health, physical health, and overall mindset.

Some of the benefits of emotional self care include:

  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Enhanced relationships with ourselves and others
  • The ability to create healthy boundaries
  • Increased resilience

At the end of the day, emotional self care may be one of the most overlooked self care categories.

Social Self-Care
  • Connecting with people you love – a family member or a best friend
  • Find a community or meet-up group where you can try out a new hobby
  • Grab a cup of tea with a co-worker
  • Read a new book with a book club or a friend – a good book can inspire you and bring people together
  • Volunteer – a good way to feel happy and make a difference in someone else’s life
  • Being mindful of keeping up with interpersonal relationships
  • Call your gals and go for a girl’s weekend

Some of the social self care benefits include:

  • Staying in touch with friends and loved ones
  • Feeling a deep connection to a community
  • Having a support system
  • Having a deep sense of purpose
  • Building new friendships

Overall, social self care can help us step outside of our comfort zone and allow us to grow as individuals. We can build strong relationships, learn about ourselves, and continue to grow.

Practical Self-Care

Practical self care ideas include the following:

  • Cleaning your home regularly and decluttering your home when needed
  • Scheduling doctors appointments and taking care of your health
  • Stay organized – managing your time, priorities, and to-do list
  • Taking care of your personal hygiene – showers, brushing teeth, cutting hair
  • Managing your finances – saving money, budgeting, planning a self care day!

There are many potential benefits of practical self care, as it involves taking care of your daily needs and responsibilities in order to maintain a healthy and functional lifestyle. Some of the benefits of practical self care include:

  • Improved organization and prioritization
  • A simple and happier life
  • Ability to show up as the best version of ourselves

Overall, practical self care is not always viewed as self care but it’s critical in showing up as the best version of yourself!

Professional Self-Care

Professional self care involves taking care of your professional well-being, which includes your career and work-related responsibilities. It involves activities that help you maintain a healthy and functional work environment and manage your career. While it may seem funny to draw a connection between professional self care and overall health, professional self care impacts every part of our life.

Some examples of professional self care activities include:

  • Setting boundaries at work
  • Managing your workload – delegating tasks when needed
  • Ensuring that you’re always taking a lunch break
  • Planning goals and priorities for the current week and next week
  • Seeking a career that you feel passionately about – follow your passion!
  • Personal growth – continue to develop your skills and learn new things
  • Managing your inbox

Professional self care involves taking care of your professional well-being, which includes your career and work-related responsibilities. Some examples of professional self care activities include:

  • Managing your workload for a better mental outlook
  • Ability to reach career goals
  • Continued skill development
  • Better work-life balance
  • Ability to embrace your passion

Overall, professional self care is an essential aspect of overall well-being and can help you lead a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life. Self care activity ideas can even be relevant to work even though it might not seem so!

Final Thoughts

We hope that you can put together your self-care plan with these self-care activity ideas. If you have some great ideas that we can add to this post or you’ve enjoyed our list of self-care activities, feel free to let us know in the comments section! Even one simple act of self care can make a huge difference in the long run.

A simple way to start any self-care routine is just by reading about self care. There are so many things you can do to take care of your body and the good news is – you can constantly change up your self care routine. If you want to live your best life, we suggest trying out different types of self care and stepping outside your comfort zone.

And remember, if you practice self-care regularly, you’ll be able to show up as the best version of yourself! The best thing you can do is take better care of yourself to show up as the best version of yourself!

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1 comment

The Best And Most Useful Amazon Finds For Self-care › Life by Deanna January 7, 2023 - 2:41 pm

[…] Hear me out though… self-care is not meant to be time-consuming and a way to spend tons of money. Realistically, it’s just a way to care for ourselves and feel good. That can be done in many ways.  […]


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