The Benefits of Tracking Habits with a Free Printable Weekly Habit Tracker

by Tru and Well

We’ve created this free printable weekly habit tracker in hopes that you’ll build on already existing good habits and create new habits! But it doesn’t stop there, we’ve also added a yearly habit tracker, daily habit tracker, mini habit tracker, and a free monthly habit tracker.

At the end of the day, you run your daily routine or your daily routine runs you! Your routine is a compilation of your thoughts, actions, and habits!

Take control of your schedule and life by using one of our habit tracker ideas. Habits can help you achieve your goals and live a life of happiness! In this post, we cover the benefits of tracking habits, and some tips to make the most of your free habit tracker pdf.

But Why Would You Use a Free Printable Weekly Habit Tracker?

A habit tracker is a great tool to build new routines. It will help keep you accountable and it’s a great way to celebrate small wins in your life! Celebrating small wins will help keep you motivated to stay with your new healthy habits. Check out some of the other benefits below:

  1. It helps you establish new daily habits and stick to them. By tracking your progress, you can stay motivated and accountable to yourself. You’ll be able to track specific habits over the week and when they are top of mind, it’s likely you’ll make the new habits a priority.
  2. It can help you identify patterns in your behavior. By tracking your habits over time, you may notice certain patterns that influence your behavior. This can help you understand yourself and make more informed decisions about your habits. We suggest tracking healthy habits but if you also wanted to track bad habits, you’ll be able to get a clear picture of your habit trends.
  3. It’s a great way to prioritize your goals.
  4. It’s a great way to measure your progress. By tracking your habits over time, you can see how far you’ve come and how much progress you’ve made. This can be incredibly motivating and can help you stay on track with your goals.

Overall, using a habit tracker can be a powerful tool for helping you establish new habits and stick to them, improve your understanding of yourself, and measure your progress.

New year’s resolutions are so last year. Habit trackers allow you to keep track of your habits and learn from the trends.

What is the Best Way to Use a Habit Tracker?

When starting to use a habit tracker, don’t think of it as a to-do list.

It should have a positive feel to it and your habits should not feel like chores. A healthy habit is any behavior that is beneficial to your physical, mental, or emotional well-being. By developing and maintaining healthy habits, you can improve your overall health and quality of life. You’ll want to build healthy habits on a daily basis that will contribute to creating a healthy lifestyle.

You’ll also want to use a habit tracker that suits you best. There are many different designs, different sizes, and different colors to choose from. Maybe you’ll opt for a horizontal habit tracker or maybe you prefer a vertical one. Before just printing any habit tracker, think about how you’ll want to use it.

Don’t know where to start? Here are some positive habits that you can try out! If you only add one single habit to your week or you add a ton of things, you won’t regret it!

A Habit List to Inspire You:

  1. Prioritize a healthy meal – cut out junk food
  2. Drinking enough water – hydration and water intake are easy to track!
  3. Getting enough sleep
  4. Exercise
  5. Meditating/mindfulness
  6. Journaling
  7. Setting and achieving goals
  8. Saving money
  9. Reading or learning something new
  10. Connecting with friends and family
  11. Reducing alcohol intake
  12. Practicing good hygiene
  13. Take regular breaks from screens – schedule an hour where you stay off social media
  14. Practicing gratitude
  15. Staying organized and decluttering your space

If you only add one single habit to your week or you add a ton of things, you won’t regret it! At the end of the day, the goal is to focus on better habits at your own pace. Small changes can build great habits and build a positive mindset.

Making the most of your habit tracker

Some additional tips for making the most of your habit tracker include:

  • Viewing your habit tracker daily in the morning and throughout the day
  • Scheduling time to focus on healthy habits if you need to
  • Track your habits for the entire month. If you miss a habit for a few days, don’t get down, keep tracking it
  • Don’t be afraid to try out new and different habits
  • It’s a good idea to reflect on your habits at the end of the month. How did you do? What habits are the most important to you?
  • Reflect on the most important thing to you when picking your habit tracker – do you want a format that allows you to track habits with a checkmark? Do you have enough space to add new habits mid-week if that’s important to you? There are different styles for everyone
  • Be gentle with yourself. Picking up a new habit can be tough. This is a tool for self-improvement, not negative self-talk
  • There’s no better way to focus on wellness than to break habits down into daily activities. Focus on each day and make the most of it!
  • Add Self Love Quotes to your tracker!

Additional Tools to Help You Track and Build Healthy Habits

In the journey of creating a lifestyle where you track healthy habits, it might be beneficial to read Atomic Habits by James Clear.

Atomic Habits is a book by James Clear that explores the science of habit formation and offers practical strategies for improving your habits and achieving your goals.

The book suggests that small, consistent changes can lead to significant improvements over time. It also offers a framework for building new habits and breaking old ones and emphasizes the importance of creating a supportive environment for habit formation.

If you want to step your game up, use a habit tracker app. There are quite a few on the market but we found that Everyday was one of the best!!

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Free Printable Habit Tracker Templates

Monthly Habits Tracker

Single Habit Tracker

Bullet Journal Habit Tracker

Weekly Habit Tracker Template

Yearly Tracker

Mini Habit Tracker

These are all free printables through canva. You can also download them into the PDF format if you’d like.

Final Thoughts

We hope that you’ll find these habit trackers to be beneficial!! Please note that these are for personal use and feel free to add pictures or unique designs to your tracker. There are so many ways to create your own habit tracker as well. We want you to embrace your creativity – one style of habit tracking may not serve everyone. One example is bullet journaling.

You may not sell these or distribute them as your own.

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