7 Solutions for Mindfulness That You Need to Try out Today!

by Tru and Well

In a world full of stress, solutions for mindfulness are key to creating and maintaining a healthy mindset! Mindfulness can improve your quality of life in so many different ways. The list of benefits of mindfulness goes on and on but we will just name a few.

Mindfulness can help reduce chronic pain, ease stress, reduce anxiety and depression, and make you happier overall!

You’ll be more focused on the present moment and by doing so, everyday life can become so much better! The solutions for mindfulness that we share will allow you to stay grounded. And hopefully, they will improve your day to day life!

Before we dive into those, let’s discuss the word mindfulness.

The word mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens.

It’s mindfulness that allows us to show up as our best selves, our “tru” selves in everyday life. Now, let’s cover 7 different solutions for mindfulness.

7 Solutions for Mindfulness

Here’s a list of practical solutions you can use in your life to embrace mindfulness.

Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is the attitude. We love practicing gratitude every morning and hope you’ll try it out too! Gratitude can be expressed in so many ways and different forms.

You can use gratitude journal prompts, share your gratitude out loud in the morning, create a gratitude board, or write a thank you note.

By practicing gratitude, you focus on the blessings of life and put good energy out into the world. You shape the way that your mind sees the world if you continue to seek out the positive things in life.

By looking for things to be grateful for, you live in the present moment and seek out positivity.

Practice Mindful Eating

This might seem funny to some but not many people embrace mindful eating.

Sometimes it’s been a long day full of stressful situations and you just want to open a bag of snacks and sit on the couch. When you practice mindful eating, you are aware of each bite and you enjoy the experience. You might want to limit distractions – turn off the tv, put away your phone.

Above all, you want to focus on eating and take in every bite of delicious food.

According to Harvard research, research has shown that mindful eating can lead to greater psychological wellbeing, increased pleasure when eating, and body satisfaction.

Breathwork for Mindfulness

Don’t underestimate the power of deep breathing. You might be asking – aren’t breathwork and meditation the same? Well, they are not the same. While both practices focus on the present and mindfulness, meditation is not always focused on breath.

You may find breathwork meditations but breathwork focuses on controlling your breath. In meditation, there’s a focus on your cognitive process but not always your breath.

Breathwork can increase your immunity, increase your energy, lower your blood pressure, and increase circulation.

Here’s one of the best Breathwork Videos on Youtube!

Mindfulness Meditation

Of all the mindfulness exercises, meditation is sometimes the most tough.

We suggest dipping your toe into the meditation pool by starting with guided meditation.

We’ve followed Inna Khazan for sometime and we’re so impressed by her work. Inna focuses on biofeedback and mindfulness-based approaches.

Biofeedback encourages self-regulation and resilience for your mind and body. Her work has been highlighted in many publications and she’s a world renowned practitioner.

Meditation is a great way to practice mindfulness because if you are feeling overwhelmed, you can meditate from the comfort of your home.

Listen to Inna Khazan Here – This is one of Inna Khazan’s guided meditations

Here’s another 10 minute mindfulness meditation by the Daily Calm

Last but not least, another meditation for mindfulness is a body scan meditation. You’ll want to lay or sit down in a calm location. Then, you’ll pay attention to parts of your body and how they feel.

It’s essentially a scan of how your body is feeling while focusing on it.

Practice Mindfulness by Spending Time Outside

Exploring mindfulness in nature is a healing practice that nourishes us mentally and spiritually.

Not only do we connect to mother earth, but we experience the beautiful nature of the world. When we listen to the birds or a stream, we build a mindfulness practice that is calming and soothing.

To experience the full benefits, pick out a spot that feels safe and beautiful. Spend time there and focus on your surroundings.

Look around – are there trees present? Animals? Feel the sun or wind on your skin. Think about the sounds you hear. Your senses will be on overdrive when you slow down and listen to the world.

EFT Tapping

Similar to a body scan, with EFT tapping you’ll work your way around your body. By tapping on your meridian points, you can restore your balance of energy. In turn, it may calm you, make you more aware of the present moment, and promote mindfulness.

Here’s a 10 minute tapping video that will help if you’re feeling anxious or worried.

Practice Mindfulness through Creativity

When we are creative, it allows us to focus our energy into something beautiful. It’s often that one even might enter flow state while in the creative zone which is very similar to mindfulness. Flow is a single focus on the creative activity at hand – you’ll get lost in time and focus only on your creative activity.

Some creative ideas to practice mindfulness are: adult coloring books, cooking, knitting, pottery, or painting to name a few.

Final Thoughts

We hope you love our solutions to mindfulness. In a world full of deadlines, notifications, an stress, it’s important to prioritize mindfulness. If you want to take it a step further, you can check out these 44 mindful journaling prompts.

As always, thank you for stopping by!

Before you depart, we do want to remind you that we are not a health care provider. If you are really struggling, we suggest that you seek out professional medical advice and mental health services.

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