44 Mindfulness Journal Prompts to Help You Stay Calm, Happy, and Healthy

by Tru and Well
mindfulness journal prompts

Do you write in a journal as part of your mindfulness practice? Using mindfulness journal prompts are a great way to live in the present moment and focus on your mental health. When is the last time you did something for your mental health?

There are so many benefits of journaling and mindfulness that when they come together, it’s an excellent way to practice some self care. Everyday life is full of meetings, chores, and tasks. We suggest that you spend at least 5-10 minutes each morning focused on journaling and mindfulness. It’s a great way to disconnect from the business of the world.

In this article, we will cover the benefits of journaling and the benefits of mindfulness. We will also share 44 of our favorite mindfulness writing prompts. You can print out the prompts or pin them on a favorite Pinterest board if you’d like!

The Benefits of Journaling with Mindfulness Journal Prompts

When you journal, you focus on the now – you put your energy into the present moment and sometimes the stresses of the world will disappear.

Journaling can also improve your mood. Studies have shown that journaling provides an opportunity for positive self talk and personal development. It will allow you to identify feelings and triggers – then you can work through them. Additionally, there’s the opportunity to identify positive changes day over day and track your progress.

Another benefit is that using a journal can help you achieve inner peace. When you choose to use work through past experiences and emotions, you can release the past. By processing emotions and letting them go – you can achieve inner peace. A journal provides a safe space where you can write what you need. There’s nothing holding you back and you’ll find that journaling is a powerful tool for healing. Therefore, it’s great for processing life events and building a new outlook on life.

Journaling can also make you happier. If you choose to create a gratitude list, you’ll be acknowledging the wonderful things that have happened in your life. This presents a great opportunity to increase gratitude, happiness, and positive energy. We preach this all the time, but gratitude is great for your health!

By creating a journal routine, it’s likely you’ll feel more in tune with yourself and your personal values. When you take time to reflect on your personal values, you may feel more in control, and more aligned with your higher self.

Journaling is one of the most effective ways for people to unlock their potential and understand their motivations in life. In the process of journaling, people will also experience mindfulness. By being in the present, you’ll be able to practice mindful writing. Now let’s chat about the benefits of mindfulness!

Benefits of Mindfulness that You’ll love

Journaling is an excellent tool to practice mindfulness. When you practice mindfulness, you may experience increased life satisfaction.

Mindfulness may increase patience and allow us to process our emotions in a more healthy way. This means that mindfulness helps develop effective emotion regulation. We may be able to make better decisions and process our emotions without being reactive.

Studies show that mindfulness may decrease depression. This is a great reason to practice mindfulness! When we are focused on the present, we can stay grounded. Therefore, our mind won’t dwell on the past or worry about the future. When we live in the now, our inner world can remain calm.

Mindfulness may increase compassion for others and self compassion. By practicing non-judgment and by not reacting to external things, self compassion can be a positive outcome of practicing mindfulness.

Mindfulness journaling may also benefit our physical health. Studies show that being mindful may even help with chronic pain. Additionally, you might even experience better sleep and lowered blood pressure

Now that you know all about journaling and mindfulness benefits, let’s go over a few tips for starting a mindfulness journal.

If you’re new to journal writing, it’s like starting with a blank page – pun intended. We suggest using these mindfulness journal prompts but you can use any prompts you’d like.

When you first start a journaling practice, or you create a new routine with mindfulness prompts, it’s important to build a habit.

Make journaling one of your daily events and schedule 5-10+ minutes consistently each day. If you choose to create a journal routine in the morning, it’s a great way to start your day.

If you feel more like a night owl, try writing in your journal at the end of each day. After testing out a 5-10 minute session, you’ll know if that’s enough time or if you’d like to try out longer time blocks.

Sometimes the biggest challenge in creating a new habit is finding time to add it to your calendar.

No special equipment is needed. But the best thing about a mindfulness journal is that you can use a different journaling format each day if you want. If you want to print out images and create your own journal with pictures, be our guest! You also may be inspired by bullet journal ideas – creativity is also key to your journal!

Another tip we’d like to share is follow your heart. If you’re just not feeling it that day, honor your feelings. Journaling is usually an excellent way to overcome a bad mood but don’t push it.

Try using your journal in new, cool places. If you have the time, go to a coffee shop and journal. We love journaling outside because it’s extremely peaceful. You’ll find inspiration and excitement by changing your environment at times. Now let’s get to the juicy part – the mindful journal prompts!

44 Mindful Journaling Prompts

We hope you love this list of prompts to be more mindful.

What was the most exciting thing that happened to you last year?

What are some ways that you can honor your emotions? Do you currently honor your emotions?

Write down 3 of your life goals. Why are these goals important to you? How can you accomplish them?

What are some new things that you’d like to try this year? Why is it important that you try these things?

Write about you living your best life. What does your life look like?

What is one thing that you can do to step outside your comfort zone? When will you do this? Plan it out?

What are some specific actions you can take to love yourself more?

Write a journal entry of everything that you’re grateful for today. Do not stop until you run out of ideas.

What is your favorite time of day?

What are your best personality traits?

When do you feel most creative?

What does being happy mean to you?

What is a habit that you’d like to start? How can you start this? Plan it out.

Write about your best friend. Then call them and tell them you love them!

Write about 10 things that make you smile.

If you lived your life without caring what people thought, how would you live? How you can live like this today?

Write about something that has been bugging you lately. Then let it go.

Write about 3 things that you can do to improve your daily life.

What is the most inspirational place that you’ve visited? Will you go back?

Write about 1-2 positive experiences that took you by surprise recently.

Make a list of your three favorite books. Why do you love them?

Write about how your body feels. Express gratitude for your body.

Mindfulness Journal Prompts Continued

What is a useful way that you can spend extra time that you have this week?

Do you get enough sleep? How do you feel when you get enough sleep? Write about ways that you can prioritize sleep and rest.

How do you feel in the present moment? Write about the way you’re feeling and how it feels to be present.

What’s the biggest risk that you’ve taken? What did you accomplish? How did it feel?

List your favorite food and write about why you love it.

Write about the best part of you day. Why do you enjoy it so much?

List out five things that make you laugh. Seek them out after you journal.

What is an intention you can set for the day? How will you fulfill this?

Create a bucket list of 5 things you want to do this year.

Write about how you can have a positive effect on someone today.

How can you show up as your true self today?

What are three ways you can practice self care today?

Describe your perfect day in detail.

Write about your favorite vacation.

How do you feel when you try something new? What’s a new hobby you can try?

What are some qualities that make you unique?

On a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling today? What can get you to a 10?

Write out 10 kind things that you can say about yourself.

When do you feel most alive?

Write about your perfect morning routine.

How does mindfulness journaling make you feel?

How can you be more mindful in your daily routine?

Final Thoughts

We hope you loved these simple prompts in this blog post! You can use these as daily journaling prompts even if you have a little time. All you need is a piece of paper and a pen to completely transform your day. Next time you’re doom scrolling on social media, try some of these useful prompts – you future self will thank you!

Don’t forget to try out some gratitude journal prompts as well if you like following mindfulness journal prompts! Because journaling is actually a mindfulness exercise!

Happy Journaling!

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Deanna | Life By Deanna December 10, 2022 - 8:22 pm

I love journal prompts! These are great, thanks for sharing 🙂

Debbie December 10, 2022 - 10:36 pm

Journaling is such a great activity. Very great journal prompts in the post to help get the pen going. Thank you for the ideas!


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