11 Best Kelp Supplements for Your Health

by Tru and Well

There are so many different supplements on the market and sometimes it takes forever to do the research. Let us take the mystery out of the best kelp supplements on the market – we’ve done our research and we want to share it with you!

But what is kelp? Kelp one of the powerhouses of sea vegetables and it’s one of the green foods you’ll want to add to your diet! Formally known as ascophyllum nodosum, it has become very popular in recent years due to it’s many benefits.

Kelp is a large, brown seaweed that typically grows in shallow saltwater near coastal areas around the world. It’s one of the fastest-growing plants and because it uses carbon dioxide to grow, it has great benefits for mother earth. Kelp forests also provide homes for fish so kelp plays a vital role in ocean health as well.

Benefits of Kelp Supplements

Kelp is packed with essential fatty acids, vitamin B-12, and it can be a great addition to a balanced diet. No wonder why it’s called the superfood of the sea!

Additionally, kelp is a healthy addition to any vegan diet and the minerals in kelp help build our immune system.

If you have never used kelp products or sea kelp supplements – you may be wondering why anyone would use a kelp supplement? Kelp contains vitamin k, vitamin a, vitamin c, it’s an excellent source of iodine and it can be consumed in many different forms. Also, it’s a good source of marine minerals.

You can consume kelp as a dietary supplement powder, in kelp capsules, and using a liquid supplement. No matter how you consume it, there is no denying that there are many health benefits.

Before covering the list of supplements, we’d like to note that if you have a health problem, please contact your physician. If you are taking medications or have a health problem, it’s best to consult a doctor before adding new supplements to your routine.

Top Kelp Supplements

They are in no particular order but we’ve listed some of the benefits below each product. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Microingredients Organic Kelp Powder: Microingredients Kelp powder can be used in smoothies, lattes, for facial scrubs, and for body wraps. This product is grown in the united states, it’s raw, organic, and vegan friendly. It’s 1 pound/16 oz. and contains no fillers.

Starwest Botanicals Kelp Powder: This product made in Canada. It’s very cost-effective for the price – under $8 for 1 pound. The daily serving size is 1/8tsp, it’s organic, and it’s also kosher.

XPRS Nutra organic kelp powder – Another one of our favorites in powder form. It’s another great natural source of iodine, and it’s 100% raw sea kelp. It’s a healthy thyroid supplement and you can easily put this kelp powder into capsules if you’d like. Also made in Canada.

Natural eScentials Kelp Powder – another product that suggests using kelp powder for body wraps, facials, and it may even promote weight loss. There are zero fillers in this product and it’s gluten free. We love that they offer a full money back guarantee.

Solgar North Atlantic Kelp – this is our first pick in capsule form. Dairy free, gluten free, kosher, and this product suggest that it promotes thyroid support. According to this product, it’s essential for thyroid hormone production. It’s a great pick because there are 250 capsules and it’s rather inexpensive.

Sea Kelp Iodine by Carlyle – this product is therapeutic grade, it’s in a small tab, it’s ethically sourced, and it’s made in the United States. Additionally, it’s an Amazon’s Choice product!

Pure Mountain Botanicals Iodine with Sea Kelp – Here’s another example of the various forms that you can consume kelp. This product is 150mcg Iodine and 2mg Organic Kelp. It’s FDA registered and kosher, and alcohol free!

Sea Kelp Enhanced Iodine by Dr. Berg – this is a product in capsule form. A single capsule of Sea Kelp Enhanced a day gives you 99% of your daily nutritional needs for iodine. It’s also a new and improved formula that uses three different seaweeds from Iceland.

Nature’s Way Kelp Capsule – This option is gluten free and dairy free. One tablet has 300 mcg of iodine. These are easy to swallow and Nature’s Way conducts testing so no heavy metals end up in their products.

Now Foods Kelp – These are easy to swallow tablets, 200 pills in the bottle for less than $10, naturally vegan and vegetarian.

Life Extensions Sea Iodine Tablets – This is a blend of kelp, Bladderwack and natural iodine. Non GMO, made in the United states – it’s 1000 mg per capsule.

Other Notable Products

MauWe – Sea moss, Bladderwack, and Seaweed – This supplement provides support the Immune System, Thyroid, Digestive & Joint Health. It’s full of minerals, fiber, and antioxidants to fight against free radicals.

Power by Naturals Sea moss supplement – Non Gmo, harvested from the Atlantic ocean, fully made in the US.

Other FAQs about Kelp and Seaweed

If you’re still on the fence about kelp supplements, we’ve provided some common questions and answers for you here.

How can I add kelp to my diet?

You can add it to smoothies, put it in baked goods, and consume it in the form of seaweed salad. Seaweed salad is not a supplement on our list but that’s another great way to consume seaweed.

Can I add kelp supplements to my dog’s diet?

Yes – kelp has many benefits for healthy dogs. If you’re looking into kelp supplements for pet health, here is a brand that has a pet friendly option. It may be a healthy addition to your dog’s diet. Make sure to contact your vet before adding this to your dog’s food.

Is the iodine content of each of these products different?

Yes, depending on the brand, most of the content of the iodine is different. Reading the nutrition facts will help you understand how much iodine each product contains.

Can kelp supplements help with thyroid disorders?

While there is positive evidence that kelp supplements may improve thyroid functioning, if you are on thyroid medications/have a thyroid issue, please consult your doctor. Please make sure to check for healthy thyroid hormone levels before purchasing any products. Seaweed & thyroid questions should be directed to health professionals if you have any concerns.

Can kelp supplements help with hair loss?

While kelp has a variety of vitamins and trace minerals that can help with hair growth, we cannot confirm that kelp will help with hair loss.

Can help supplements help with energy levels?

Kelp contains iodine which may help maintain healthy energy levels.

Does kelp have an impact on body temperature?

Kelp will not raise body temperature but if someone has low iodine levels, they may be cold more often. Maintaining healthy positive iodine levels will ensure that you body temperature is regulated.

What about kelp granules?

You can use kelp for gardening! If you choose a kelp supplement outside of the list of supplements above, make sure to read carefully. Some of the kelp products on the market as specifically designed for gardening.

Are there other iodine supplements that are more effective than kelp?

There are some pure iodine supplements on the market but we are unsure if they are more effective than kelp. There is a wide range of benefits of kelp from vitamins to amino acids so we have chosen to provide a list of top kelp supplements.

Should I buy my kelp from a certain location?

We love products that are sustainably made, non-GMO, and present in nutrient-rich waters. The products above are all top contenders for the list of top kelp supplements.

Are there dairy products in kelp supplements?

If you are looking for a pure kelp supplement, there should not be any dairy products present. Some product are a mix of kelp, and other products so if you chose to try a brand outside this list, look at the ingredients carefully. All the products above are dairy free.

Final Thoughts

Kelp, one of the most powerful types of large brown algae, may be new to your diet. We’ve provided some of the benefits of kelp but would like to remind you to do some of your own research as well.

When you nourish your body with whole foods and supplements, it’s a great form of self care. The boost of vitamins and minerals can contribute to a happy and healthy life.

Once again, please note that this is not a form of medical advice. We are not doctors and if you are uncertain if you should consume kelp, please contact your doctor to confirm that it’s okay for you to take kelp supplements. If you are taking medicine, there may be serious side effects and we do not suggest you try these supplements until your physician clears you for seaweed and kelp consumption.

It’s always a good thing to add new supplements to your diet and depending on how you like to take your supplements, hopefully, you’ll find your own top pick of kelp supplements from the list above.

Let us know if you tried out something from our list of the best kelp supplements! As one of the best natural sources of iodine, you can’t go wrong with any of these kelp supplements!

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