11 Healthy Habits To Add To Your Morning Routine instead of Scrolling on Social Media

by Tru and Well

Are you looking for ways to live healthier? Start by making small changes in your morning routine. We aren’t suggesting a full-blown digital detox but if you ditch social media in the morning, we believe you’ll have a happier and more productive day!

No one wants to start the day off on the wrong foot and we are here to support you as you build a new morning ritual! Here are seven easy steps to take every day to improve your overall health.

11 Amazing Things You Definitely Should Consider Adding To Your Morning Routine

  1. Spend time outdoors in the morning and soak up some natural rays. Getting natural sunlight in the morning will do wonders for your health and your mind! Even getting 5-15 minutes of sun in the morning can lead to your brain releasing serotonin which can improve your mood. Additional benefits include stronger bones, reduced inflammation, and lower blood pressure.
  2. Drink more water. Drinking water helps keep your body hydrated, which is essential for good health. It also helps flush out toxins and waste products from your system.
  3. Prioritize exercise. If you’re not exercising regularly, then adding movement to your morning routine is a good way to build a great morning habit. Start with small steps by walking for 20 minutes three times per week. This will help you build muscle mass and burn calories.
  4. Eat breakfast every day. While fasting can be good for some, most of us thrive off of a healthy morning breakfast. Eating breakfast every day is one of the easiest ways to kickstart your metabolism and give yourself an energy boost throughout the day. You should eat something within 30 minutes of waking up so that your blood sugar levels stay stable.
  5. Meditate for ten minutes a day. Meditation is an ancient practice that has been used for thousands of years to promote peace and tranquility. It’s also proven to reduce stress levels and boost brain function. Try meditating for 10 minutes each day.
moring routine

Healthy Morning Habits Continued…

6. Journal, journal, journal. One of our biggest game-changing habits for a solid morning routine is writing in a journal. If you can, think about three different things you’re grateful for in a gratitude journal. If you’re in the mood to spend more time writing, we also have some journal prompts here to use.

7. Listen to music. Did you know that music has a direct impact on your hormones? Listening to music can decrease cortisol and stress which will put you in a good mood for the rest of the day!

8. Read one of your favorite books. If you ditch the social media apps in the morning, an activity like reading will allow yourself to choose creativity and imagination first. Try reading a motivational book that will spark inspiration for your day!

9. Practice self-care. If you’ve read our other blog posts, you know we love self-care! Great ideas for self-care in the morning include: Gua Sha, dry brushing, face yoga, breath work, and self-love affirmations.

10; Prioritize your day. The best way to set yourself up for success is with some organization and an intention for the day. By setting time aside to prioritize your most important tasks, you’ll seize the day and increase productivity. Try writing down your goals or make a to-do list for your day.

11. Take a cold shower. Now, if you’re waking up in the morning, this might be the last thing you want to do but just 60 seconds of cold water can have major benefits. Cold showers can increase circulation and heighten your immune system.

Now It’s Your Turn, How Will You Change Your Morning Ritual?

Remember that every day is a new day! You can choose to be anyone you want when you wake up – you can start a new hobby, embrace your authentic self, or do something that has really been scaring you. Every day presents an opportunity for love, growth, and happiness.

We’d love to hear from you – have you added anything to your morning routine? What will you do with our suggested list of healthy morning habits? Don’t forget to check out our free habit trackers here!



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