The Best Self Love Apps to Download Right Now

by Tru and Well

If you’re interested in spicing up your self care routine, consider adding self love apps into your daily life.

We get so lost in our routines. From work to our relationships – we often forget about self-care. Fortunately, there are several self-care apps available that can help us prioritize our well-being and develop healthy habits.

In this blog, we will explore the best self-care apps that can help you build self-confidence, relieve stress, and develop a positive self-image.

Why Are They Beneficial To Use?

Self-help apps are beneficial to use because they can provide a wide range of support and resources for anyone and everyone. These apps offer users the flexibility and convenience of accessing mental health tools and resources from the comfort of their own homes, on their own schedule.

It’s a simple way to add self-care into your routine also. Below are some specific benefits of using self-help apps:

  1. Accessibility: Many people may not have access to or be able to afford traditional in-person therapy or mental health services. Self-help apps can provide a more affordable and accessible option for people to work on their mental health goals. The good news is – you only need a phone or computer to access these apps. 
  2. Convenience: With self-help apps, users have the flexibility to access resources and tools on their own time. You can access apps even if you just have 5 minutes of free time.
  3. Specific Goals: Self-help apps often have specific goals and objectives built into them, allowing users to focus on specific areas they want to improve, such as anxiety, or stress relief. If you are looking to improve low self esteem, ditch social media scrolling and start to use a self care/self-help app. 
  4. Guided Meditations: Many self-help apps include guided meditations, which can help users manage stress, improve focus, and promote relaxation. If you are new to meditation, using guided meditation is an excellent starting point.
  5. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Some self-help apps incorporate cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques, which are evidence-based strategies to help people manage negative thoughts and behaviors.
  6. Positive Psychology: Self-help apps also incorporate positive psychology techniques. These can help users build positive habits, develop a positive mindset, and cultivate gratitude.

Apps To Help You Focus on Self Care and Loving Yourself

Below you’ll find a list of some of our favorite apps. They are in no particular order.

Insight Timer: The app offers guided meditations, daily affirmations, and gratitude journals. With its unique features and in-app purchases, Insight Timer can help you build your mindfulness techniques, manage your stress and anxiety, and even help you get a better night’s sleep. It is one of the best mental health apps for meditation and self care! 

Calm: This app is another great way to build a positive mindset and develop healthy habits. It has guided meditations, sleep stories, and nature sounds. Calm can help you reduce stress, promote relaxation, and improve your sleeping habits.

The app offers a free trial and an annual subscription, which gives you unlimited access to its unique features and tools of cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Aloe Bud: A free app that offers a holistic approach to self-care. The app offers tools to help you build confidence and develop personal growth goals. Aloe Bud can help you develop a positive self-image, improve your sleeping habits, and learn more about yourself!

Stretch Timer Plus: This free app offers a specific goal of helping you build healthy habits through stretch breaks. Stretch Timer Plus can help you reduce stress, relieve tension, and improve your overall physical and mental health.

White Noise Lite: If you struggle with sleeping habits or have trouble relaxing, White Noise Lite can help you get a good night’s sleep. With its calming sounds, the app can help you reduce your stress levels, and even build a positive self-image. Sleeping with noise can be calming and relaxing.

Self Love Apps Continued

Clarity Cognitive Diary: This app offers tools of cognitive-behavioral therapy to help you manage your negative thinking and maladaptive beliefs. With its journal entries, tools of positive psychology, and mood tracking, Cognitive Diary can help you manage your stress and anxiety and develop healthy self-esteem.

Self Talk: An app with over 125+ self-talk sessions. With its unique features, Self Talk can help you manage your negative self-talk and develop a positive self-image.

Andrew Johnson: An app platform that offers guided meditations, mindfulness techniques, and stress relief tools. With its unique features and in-app purchases, Andrew Johnson can help you manage your stress triggers, develop healthy habits, and improve your overall mental health care.

Shine: A self-care app that provides users with daily self-care inspiration. You’ll love the personalized meditations, daily motivational messages, and self-reflection exercises.

Headspace: A popular meditation app that offers guided meditations, sleep sounds, and mindfulness exercises to help users manage anxiety and improve their overall well-being.

The app is designed to be accessible to users at any level of meditation experience, from beginners to advanced practitioners. Headspace’s guided meditations cover a range of topics, including stress relief, sleep, focus, and self-esteem.

Happify: A self-care app that uses positive psychology techniques to help users build healthy habits, manage stress, and cultivate gratitude. This includes guided meditations, positive affirmations, and mindfulness exercises.

Other Tips when starting to use self love apps 

When you first start a new routine, it’s always beneficial to understand your goals. If you understand your goals, you can plan time to focus on your new habits. When you are planning on using self love apps to improve your self esteem, you want to focus on apps more targeted to self esteem.

If you’re interested in learning how to meditate, choose an app like calm, insight timer, or headspace.

Additionally, it’s great to have an accountability partner. Asking a best friend to hold you accountable or cheer you on will help to ensure you’re keeping your commitments to yourself

Another tip is to try out free apps before jumping into a monthly subscription. Make sure the app you use is perfect for your needs and creating a healthy mindset.

Final Thoughts

We hope that you loved this list of self love apps! Using these apps are simple and a great way to prioritize finding the best ways to add self-love into your routine.

These apps can greatly improve your daily life and allow you to explore new ways of personal development. Even if you have a busy day, you should be able to use one of these top apps and start to create a better life. 

Mindfulness apps should not be looked at as a quick fix though. Self-love apps are great for mental health care but they should not be the only resource you access if you’re struggling with mental health.

Additionally, if you are experiencing low self-esteem and are unable to feel like yourself, please seek out professional help or talk to a clinical psychologist or seek psychological therapy. 

In conclusion, the best self-care apps are the ones that work best for you. Whether you prefer guided meditations, cognitive-behavioral therapy, or personal development goals, there are plenty of options available on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

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