Hair Growth Affirmations to Manifest Beautiful and Healthy Hair in 2023

by Tru and Well

Curious about using hair growth affirmations? Do you want to transform your hair’s health and appearance?

If so, a good hair care routine and positive affirmations may be the answer.

Affirmations are powerful tools that can help shift your mindset and manifest positive changes in your life. By using affirmations regularly, you may be able to improve your hair growth, strength, thickness, and confidence.

We’ve written about skincare affirmations for clear skin, and self-love affirmations so we thought it would be fun to create a list of hair care affirmations!

Your thoughts and beliefs can have a powerful impact on your physical appearance, including your hair. By using positive affirmations, you can manifest beautiful and healthy hair from the inside out. Below you’ll find affirmations for different hair care focuses – hair growth, hair strength, etc.

Quick Refresher on making the most of Affirmations

We’ve covered affirmations in a few other posts but we wanted to do a small refresher. Affirmations are essentially positive statements to reframe your beliefs.

  1. The first thing that you’ll want is to infuse your affirmations with positive energy. If you are in a bad place mentally or you’ve been plagued with negative self-talk, stop yourself, reframe your thoughts and infuse positive energy into your affirmations.
  2. You’ll want to make sure that you believe the affirmations you’re using. If you’d like, make your own affirmations. In order for them to work, you need to truly believe that you already have what you want. So if any of the affirmations you read online do not align with you, feel free to adjust them. There’s no such thing as right or wrong affirmations – feel free to get creative!
  3. Use present tense and only positive words. The subconscious mind will take in all the information that you’re providing. It will not know the difference between things you want and don’t want. If you provide negative words or negative thoughts, you may find that affirmations do not work. For example – if you say, I am no longer worried about hair loss or having a bad hair day, this is bringing light to negative things. Instead, reframe your thoughts with a positive mindset. A great example would be – my hair is incredibly full and I always have a great hair day.
  4. Patterns make perfect. Using affirmations once will most likely not yield results. Try to make a habit out of your affirmations. Also, use affirmations regularly – at least once a day. The best way to set up a new habit is by setting aside some time and committing to yourself that you’ll prioritize this new habit. Affirmations are the law of attraction at work.

Hair Growth Affirmations

Whether you have curly hair, straight hair, or wavy hair, it’s likely at some time in your life that you’ve been curious about your hair growth. Hair is truly such an amazing thing – it can help define our image, make us feel beautiful, and also be a reminder that we are truly lucky when we have hair.

How much do you know about hair growth though?

The average head has about 100,000 hair follicles and did you know that hair grows fastest between ages 15 and 30?

Before we jump into positive hair affirmations, we wanted to give you some information on the hair growth cycle. The hair growth cycle often is dependent on the health of your scalp.

The condition of your scalp impacts the length, health, and retention of your hair – it controls the health of your hair essentally. A scalp that is not cared for may make growing long and healthy hair difficult.

In the list of hair growth affirmations below, we want to make sure to cover some affirmations for a healthy scalp!

We aren’t going to cover the full physiology of your hair because that’s not our expertise, but we are happy to share these affirmations with you!

Affirmations for Hair Growth

  1. My hair is growing stronger and healthier every day
  2. I am grateful for the natural hair growth that I am experiencing
  3. My hair follicles are strong and healthy, and produce new hair
  4. I am grateful for my long hair and the hair growth journey that I am on
  5. I take excellent care of my scalp and my hair always grows to my goal length
  6. Each and every day I manifest hair growth and I’m excited about my hair growth affirmations
  7. I am in full control of my hair growth
  8. My scalp is in peak health and it allows me to grow a full head of hair

Affirmations for Hair Strength

  1. My hair is becoming stronger and more resilient
  2. I am confident in my hair’s strength and durability
  3. My hair is capable of withstanding any challenge that comes it’s way
  4. I am so grateful for my hair – I have such strong hairs!
  5. The strength of my hair starts at my hair roots and travels to the ends of my hair
  6. The health of my hair is often noticed by others

Hair Thickness Affirmations

  1. My hair is becoming thicker and more voluminous every day
  2. I am grateful for the natural thickness and volume of my hair
  3. My hair is full of life and vitality – it’s absolutely gorgeous
  4. I have shiny, beautiful, and luscious hair that is full of body and length

Affirmations for Hair Confidence

  1. I am confident in my hair’s natural beauty
  2. My hair is an extension of my unique beauty and style
  3. I am proud of my hair and the way it looks and feels
  4. I am having the best hair day of my life
  5. I have the perfect hair routine and I have my dream hair
  6. I love taking good care of my hair and it makes me feel fulfilled
  7. My hair looks healthy, vibrant, and strong
  8. My hair is hair goals – I receive many compliments about my hair
  9. My hair game is always on point and I always have a good hair day
  10. I am incredibly grateful for my unique hair
  11. My soft hair is long, beautiful, and sexy

Affirmations for Hair Care

  1. My hair is receiving the care it needs to thrive
  2. I am committed to maintaining healthy hair through regular hair care
  3. I am grateful for the nourishment and protection that I provide for my hair
  4. I have beautiful hair because I dedicate time to ensuring I am taking good care of it
  5. People compliment me on my healthy locks because I prioritize good hair care and I’m using the best products for my hair
  6. I am truly blessed to be able to focus my attention on hair care and it shows because I have a healthy head of hair
Bonus affirmations

I am beyond excited for wash day – it gives me the opportunity to focus on my hair growth goals

My positive attitude has a huge impact on my hair health and hair growth

My healthy thought patterns create rapunzel-esque locks

I prioritize the right diet and hair care routine which allows me to have beautiful healthy hair

Taking care of my hair and scalp is second nature – I’m always prioritizing my health from my head to my toes

I love my curl pattern and I’m so grateful for curly hair

I have a happy life because I focus on my own beauty and a positive mental attitude

How to Use Affirmations for Hair Transformation

To use affirmations for a hair transformation, start by choosing the affirmations that resonate with you the most. You can write them down or repeat them out loud to yourself every day. You can also incorporate affirmations into your hair care routine by saying them while you are washing or styling your hair.

Remember to use affirmations consistently and with intention. It may take time to see results, but with patience and dedication, you can transform your hair from the inside out.

Final Thoughts

Positive affirmations can be a powerful tool for transforming your hair’s health and appearance. By using these haircare affirmations regularly, you can improve your hair growth, strength, thickness, and confidence. Incorporate affirmations into your daily routine and watch your hair transform before your eyes. If you enjoyed this post and want to learn more about manifestation tips, make sure to read out post on how to set an intention for manifestation.

We’d also like to highlight that if you’re having hair issues, high-stress levels, or feel that you have unhealthy hair, it’s always a good idea to see your physician. Taking care of your hair and health is also extremely important aside from affirmations. Subliminal affirmations will work wonders but if you’re struggling with hair loss or trouble growing your hair, book a visit to the doctor. Then add some affirmations to your routine!

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