11 Helpful Hacks for a Happier and Healthier Mindset

by Tru and Well

There are many things that successful people do but one of the most important things is that they are always working on building a healthier mindset. Do you ever look at successful people and think to yourself, they have it all?

These people weren’t just handed the keys to success. Most often, they are powered by self-motivation, positive self-talk, and mindset techniques that allow them to succeed.

There are many mindset hacks that you can utilize to help you achieve your goals and reach your dreams to be happier and healthier. But before we get into these mindset hacks and tips for a healthier mindset, let’s chat about mindset.

What is Mindset? What is a Growth Mindset?

Your mindset is a set of beliefs that control the way you see yourself, your world, and your life. These beliefs will shape your future – they control how you think, feel, and behave.

You may have heard terms like fixed mindset and growth mindset. We like to think of a fixed mindset as black and white. There is very little that can be changed and it lacks flexibility. A fixed mindset approaches the world from a negative lens that is unable to see past any obstacles.

On the other hand, a growth mindset views the world from a positive perspective. This view allows you to see the world as a place with unlimited opportunities. After all, challenges are not always challenges but opportunities to grow and develop. You are not stagnant, you are ever-changing and full of potential to grow.

If you don’t exactly have an entrepreneurial mindset or an abundance mindset, you can change your negative self-talk and transform it into positive language.

A psychologist named Dr. Poppenk recently did a study where it was concluded that we have 6,500 thoughts a day. Our minds are always working and if you realize it or not, those 6,500 thoughts are affecting your mood, behavior, feelings, and outcomes.

Things to Stop Telling Yourself if You Want to Build a Healthier Mindset

There are so many thoughts that pop into our minds on a daily basis. You may have people tell you that in order to be happier or build a healthy mindset but what about talking about things you should stop doing?

Let’s chat about some of the things you need to stop telling yourself.

1. I am my past.

Yes, your past is wildly important. The things you’ve been through and what you have overcome have made you into the person you are today. All in all, the good, the great, and the not-so-great have made you become the person you are today. But you need to let go of your past if you’re using it as a crutch.

Additionally, if you find yourself creating limiting beliefs because of your past, it’s time to change this thinking. If you grew up with many struggles, you can use these as motivational building blocks as opposed to letting them drag you down.

Forgive yourself for the past. We all make mistakes and we can learn from them. You are a wonderful person because of your past and what you’ve overcome but you are not your past. Every day you wake up with the opportunity to be a completely new person and you are free to be who you want.

Mindset Hack: Write about your future self. What do they enjoy? Who or What makes them happy? What do they love? Who is in their life? Once you write this letter about your future self, visualize your future self and start living in the mindset of this person.

โ€œInstead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.โ€ โ€“ Roy T. Bennett

2. I am not good enough.

If you tell yourself this, it’s likely that you’ve experienced a situation where you felt like this or someone has told you this. You are good enough! You are good enough! And… You are deserving of everything that you want. No one else can define your worth. In order to have a healthier mindset, you need to believe that you are worthy of one.

Mindset Hack: Think about a time when you did not feel good enough, write it down on a piece of paper and let it go! If someone told you that you were not good enough or they made you feel like this, write them a letter telling them how this made you feel and then let it go! Get it out and get it off your chest. You can also try tapping to help reduce feelings of anxiety.

3. Other people will laugh.

If you’re worried about what other people think, you’ll never reach your full potential. You were meant to live outside of the box and to color outside of the lines. Think about someone who you appreciate, someone who is living life to the fullest, and then think – do they care what others think? I’m going to guess that the answer is no. You cannot control what people think about you and everyone has an opinion.

Mindset Hack: Do something small that scares you. To build a healthier mindset, you will want to continuously challenge yourself in a safe and healthy way. If you are worried about what others think, take baby steps. Maybe it’s posting a photo of yourself online, maybe it’s coming out to people at work, or maybe it’s just being able to embrace your true self. Successful people are genuine and true to themselves. This is one of the highest forms of self-love. Embrace yourself and show your true self to the world.

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” – George Bernard Shaw 

4. I could never have that.

Why couldn’t you have that? The answer to this question will uncover a limiting belief. Maybe it’s because you think that you are not as smart as others, or maybe it’s because your dreams are so big that they scare you.

Mindset Hack: Start using positive affirmations. Positive affirmations change the way that you view yourself. Some positive affirmations that you can use are: I am deserving of positive things in my life. I am deserving of a great career and a wonderful lifestyle. I am intelligent and hardworking.

5. I don’t have enough time.

Many people love this one. If you are feeling that you do not have enough time, spend 1 full day writing down everything you do throughout the day. Review this the following day and check out your habits. 9/10 times when we think we do not have enough time, we are usually just not prioritizing our day or ourselves. Some people might take on too much at work or some might struggle to say no to others. Are you spending 5 hours on social media every day? Are you overextending yourself to help others? What about cooking for 6+ hours a day every day?

Mindset Hack: Get organized, streamline your tasks, and prioritize yourself. If you cook three meals a day every day, look into meal prepping a few days a week. If you find yourself spending too much time on chores, try to get a cleaner once a week. Prioritize yourself and look into block scheduling if needed.

A healthy outside starts from the inside. โ€“ Robert Urich

6. I’m not talented enough.

We all start somewhere. Michael Jordan didn’t become the world’s best basketball player by taking two shots a day. Talented individuals put in the time, and work, and they don’t get discouraged. Ask yourself why you think that you aren’t talented enough.

Did you try a new hobby in the past and failed? Have you picked up a new hobby that you aren’t interested in so you are not motivated to develop this talent?

Mindset Hack: Allow yourself to grow and develop. We all develop skills at different paces. The most important thing you can do while learning something new is to give it time to develop. Start setting small goals that work up to larger goals. If you want to become a world-renowned chef, start with small and easy recipes that you can cook masterfully.

If you want to run a Marathon, start by running a 5k. Talent is something that is developed and to develop this, you just need time and grace.

Success is not an accident. Success is actually a choice. – Steph Curry

7. I always need to be positive

This is one of the most important things you need to stop telling yourself immediately. There will be days that you do not feel happy and there will be days that completely suck. Guess what – that’s totally okay.

We need to honor our emotions. By honoring our emotions, we can recognize them, acknowledge them, and let them pass. The more that we try to avoid our emotions or stifle them, the stronger they become.

Mindset Hack: Allow yourself to feel. Honor your feelings and be gentle with yourself. If you avoid your feelings and emotions, they will manifest in negative ways. By allowing yourself to feel, you can properly process emotions and you’ll be more in tune with your body, mind, and feelings. A healthier mindset is one that accepts your feelings, emotions, and thoughts.

8. It has to be absolutely perfect

Perfection is a myth. When we only want to complete things to perfection, this does not allow us to learn and grow. In order to build your skills and hone your craft, you’ll need to make mistakes and errors. It is only from mistrials that we learn and grow as individuals.

Mindset Hack: Understand that striving for perfectionism is a safety mechanism. Yes, it’s important to strive for greatness but if you wait until you achieve absolute perfectionism, you’ll miss out on living life and learning many important things.

Stop looking at mistakes as failures, view them as opportunities to grow. If something is not going well, take time to pause and reflect.

The mind is just like a muscle – the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets and the more it can expand. – Idowu Koyenikan

9. Other people are just lucky.

Yes, some people are lucky but 9/10 successful people in the world have worked hard and put in the time and dedication.

Mindset Hack: Learn about successful people. Listen to their podcasts, read their books, and understand what their journey was like. Learning about successful people who have been in your shoes is comforting, motivating, and eye-opening.

10. I don’t deserve success/I don’t deserve to be happy.

This is another big one that will require some reflection. Start off with the question why. Keep asking yourself why until you uncover the limiting belief. If you truly believe that you are not deserving of success or be happy, you may be self-sabotaging or limiting yourself.

Mindset Hack: When you are thinking these thoughts of low self-worth, stop yourself immediately. Do not let these thoughts persist. If you experience them regularly, try to catch yourself throughout the day and replace them with positive self-talk.

11. It has to be all or nothing.

When we first start something new or try to build a new habit, many of us take on an all-or-nothing approach. This restrictive approach is limiting because it creates rigid boundaries as opposed to flexible guidelines.

Mindset Hack: When starting a new habit or setting a goal, avoid the all-or-nothing mindset. Be kind and gentle with yourself. By creating an approach that is flexible and forgiving if there is a misstep, you will likely keep up with the habit or resolution much longer. A healthier mindset is a flexible one that does not set strict boundaries like an all-or-nothing goal.

Final Thoughts

If you are telling yourself all 11 of the statements above or even just 1, it’s important to recognize that mindset is a huge factor in success and happiness. If you can implement one or two of these a day, you’ll experience a positive shift and it’s likely you’ll start seeing more success.

As always, thanks for stopping by Tru&Well. We hope you enjoyed reading this article and we hope that it can being some positivity into your life. You are enough.

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