5 Reasons Why Alt-Bashes Will Be this Year’s Most Fun Trend

by Tru and Well

You might be asking yourself – what is an alt-bash? Alt-bashes are parties that are thrown for almost any reason and that’s why they are so fun! Just adopted a puppy? Alt-bash. Your best friend just got divorced? Alt-bash. Your kids have gone to school and you’re empty nesters now? Alt-bash. Basically you can have a party for any reason and we’re here for it. But will this be this year’s new, fun trend? We think so!

Alt-bashes are great for any occasion – you can even have one just because!

Alt-Bash, the New Party to Celebrate Anything and Everything

If there’s something fun happening, why not get your friends involved? Below we highlight top reasons that Alt-parties will be more common in years to come and this year’s most fun trend!

  1. Spending time with family and friends is more important than ever: The last two years have been isolating. We’ve been canceling parties, weddings, and major life events. Now that we can spend time with our loved ones, it means even more. Celebrate all the small and large life events with your family and closest friends because that should not be taken for granted. We all have a lot of celebrating to do!
  2. Alt-bashes allow us to celebrate the small and large wins in life: if you’ve just adopted a new puppy or you got a certificate in a course that you’ve been taking for the last few months, Alt-bashes are the way to go! Alt-bashes allow us to appreciate small/large milestones and fun events in life that we typically haven’t celebrated before. What a great way to introduce your friends and family to your new puppy by throwing a Pawty!! These events allow us to bring light to even the smallest things in life which will bring us joy.
  3. Pinterest Predicts that Alt-bashes will be a micro-trend for 2022: Pinterest said it, we heard it! If Alt-bashes are on Pinterest’s radar then we know it has the possibility of being a huge trend for 2022! Pinterest will allow many alt-party hosts to find inspiration for their events including cute decor and fun themes while embracing this new fun idea.
  4. Alt-bashes will spark creativity: What punny idea with you use as a hashtag? If there’s something that party hosts and party goers love, it’s a fun party with a punny hashtag and a silly photo booth. If you’re now an empty nester or you just got divorced (and you’re thriving now), there’s always a fun way to celebrate. We love the whole pawty idea for dogs and for divorcees, etsy has a whole shop dedicated to the new you 🙂
  5. Alt-bashes will provide new experiences for everyone: Who doesn’t love a good theme? While we love the typical girl’s day brunch, wouldn’t it be more fun if you were celebrating something? New experiences will allow you to explore new versions of yourself. Maybe attending an alt-party will allow you to meet a new friend or it will challenge you to get outside the box.

Alt-Bashes for the Win – What will you celebrate?

We have given you plenty of reasons to throw or attend an Alt-bash so what’s stopping you? Even if it’s throwing a Taco Tuesday at your house, we believe that you’ll love alt-bashes!

We’d love to hear about your experiences – have you thrown one? Maybe attended one? Let us know if the comments below!

As always, thanks for stopping by and we hope you enjoyed this post!



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