5 Random Fun Facts About the Lagom Lifestyle that Sweden Embraces

by Tru and Well

If you have never heard of the Swedish concept of Lagom, this should be a fun article! You may have been embracing the Lagom Lifestyle without even knowing it! Have you ever found yourself looking for traditional minimalist interior design or searching the term sustainable living?

Maybe you’ve been trying to live more sustainably by only using what you need and not living excessively. You might be focused on the small things in life – spending time with friends, enjoying life’s best.

Well, if you have been trying to adopt this lifestyle, you have probably already come across Lagom.

While this is a Swedish term, minimalist trends closely mirror the Lagom lifestyle. The Lagom lifestyle is not a trend though, it’s a way of living that if focused on living optimally, sustainably, and happily.

What is Lagom?

Lagom is a Swedish word. Lagom in english basically means: “just the right amount”. It’s the practice of living with not too much, but not too little. Lagom is pronounced “La-gum”

But what is it? Lagom is not just a word; it’s a lifestyle. If you want to know how to practice Lagom, it’s a philosophy that emphasizes living life in moderation and balance. This includes eating well, exercising regularly, taking care of one’s body, having fun, spending quality time with family and friends, and being productive.

5 Things You Didn’t Know about the Lagom Lifestyle

  1. The word Lagom is said to derive from the folk etymology in a phrase used in Viking times: “laget om” – meaning ‘around to the group – allegedly used to describe just how much mead or soup one should drink when passing the bowl around in the group. source
  2. Lagom can mean different things:Lagom can mean different things in different contexts.
    • Positive “lagom varm”, “perfectly warm”
    • Negative “lagom kul att jag brutit benen”, can be translated to “not cool that I broke my leg”
    • Ironical “han är ju lagom smart“, meaning “he is not the smartest” source
  3. According to Lola Akinmade Åkerström in her book – The Swedish Secret of Living Well, Lagom, Lola covers Lagom and the idea that Lagom means optimal – Meaning, the decision we choose to make at a particular moment or about a certain interaction or situation is the best holistic choice for us individually or for the group, we find ourselves in.
  4. Lagom is great for promoting sustainability! Swedish company, Ikea, even has a page dedicated to the Live Lagom community. If these ideas are a little too much, you can always start small. One of our favorite ways to promote sustainability is by using old Whole Foods pasta sauce jars as mason drinking glasses!
  5. Lagom can help you declutter your life and focus on the simple things.Ten simple ways to de-clutter your home
    1. Create a de-clutter to-do list, crossing off each task as you complete it.
    2. Dedicate ten minutes each day to one task (baby steps, my friend).
    3. Go one room at a time and organize items into three boxes: keep, donate and throw away (never a ‘maybe’ box – speaking from experience!).
    4. Follow the ‘one in, one out’ rule – for everything you buy, one thing goes.
    5. Fill a bin bag a day with items you no longer need.
    6. Reduce the area where clutter can accumulate – dedicate a container for toiletries or a folder for paperwork. If new items don’t, then it’s time to re-think what’s in the area and get rid of something.
    7. Take out all the items in your wardrobe. Remove hangers and then put everything back in order of preference. Anything that doesn’t have a hanger goes.
    8. Create a memory box or use an accordion organizer for your kids’ drawings and other treasured items.
    9. Keep a basket or bag by the stairs or in a spot that accumulates clutter and slowly fill it with items. Once it’s full, sort through and put everything back where it belongs.
    10. Stick to the ‘one-touch rule’ for paperwork: sort it as soon as it arrives by recycling or taking action. Taken from Lagom: The Swedish Art of Living a Balanced, Happy Life by Niki Brantmar

Using the Lagom Lifestyle to create a more fulfilling and happy life

As you can see, the simple and effective pillars of Lagom – balance, living optimally, and living in consideration of others will create a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Sweden has a strong sense of community, they are one of the happiest countries in the world, and they embrace life with contentment and love. Not only do they get the most out of everyday, they are also kind to mother nature. 

You might even be living lagom without knowing it.

In the US, we see the trends of traditional minimalist interior design and cozy minimalism. Yet we are also aware that living a balanced life and embracing an approach of not too much, not too little is so much more than a design trend.

If you feel inclined, try to live lagom in other aspects of your life. Upcycling, buying only what you need, and avoiding clutter. Take care of your body, prioritize friends, and be grateful for mother earth.

Final Thoughts

If we’ve learned anything by researching Lagom, it’s that you don’t need a ton of material things to feel happy. If anything, less is more. Keep things that bring joy to you and get rid of the rest.

And if you were wondering if Lagom a real word? Of course it is – but it’s so much more than that. It’s a lifestyle!

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