The Ultimate Guide to Self Care Activities for College Students

by Tru and Well

College life can be tough but the good thing is – we’ve created a fun list of self care activities for college students.

Between classes, extracurricular activities, and maintaining a social life, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed out.

That’s why it’s important to take time for yourself and practice self-care to maintain your mental and emotional well-being.  For some, it’s the first time being away from family and friends. You may need to learn to start cooking all your favorite meals and you may also miss being at home. 

There are so many new situations that pop up while in college and you may experience new challenges.

In this article, we’ll explore self-care ideas that college students can try out. From practicing yoga and meditation to starting a gratitude journal or even trying out a new hobby. So, let’s dive in and discover some new ways to take care of yourself!

The Importance of Self-Care for College Students

Self-care is the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, especially during periods of stress.

As college students, we often prioritize our coursework and extracurricular activities over our own well-being. And unfortunately, this can lead to burnout. However, prioritizing self-care can lead to improved mental and emotional health, increased productivity, and a more positive outlook on life. 

Taking the time to care for ourselves can be especially important when we are feeling overwhelmed or stressed. College is a very unique experience. It may be the first time that you’re away from your support system of family and friends.

And like many busy college students, most are usually involved in a few other things outside of class. It can be very easy to feel overwhelmed while navigating through the different aspects of being a college student. That’s why it’s critical to build a self-care routine. 

Self-care can help us to recharge our batteries and approach our school work with renewed focus and energy. Additionally, practicing self-care can help us to build resilience, making it easier to cope with future stressors and challenges. In actuality, building a self-care ritual may be the key to future academic success. 

And let’s be real, a lot of college students experiment with new things and try to navigate through a new world. It’s important to remember to be gentle with yourself, embrace student life with open arms, and make sure to have the time of your life!

Now we will jump into fun ideas and self care activities for college students. We hope that the most important thing that you might take from this post is a handful of different ways to reduce your stress levels.

Creative Self-Care

While traditional forms of self-care are undoubtedly beneficial, there are many creative ways to take care of yourself that can be equally effective. Engaging in creative pursuits, such as art or music therapy, has been shown to reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance overall well-being.

Creative self-care can also provide an opportunity for self-expression and personal growth. By engaging in activities that allow us to explore our emotions and connect with our inner selves, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our values.

Creative Self Care

  • Take a hip-hop dance class
  • Take a pole dancing class
  • Find a goddess circle
  • Finger paint 
  • Sew or knit 
  • Write poetry or attend an open mic night 

These self care ideas are fun if you’re pursuing an undergrad degree or if you’re enrolled in a graduate program. They are great for young adults even after they graduate from college.  

Yoga and Other Body Self-Care

One of the unique benefits of yoga is that it can be practiced anywhere, making it a convenient self-care practice for college students. Whether you attend a class at a local yoga studio or practice in your dorm room, yoga can be an effective way to take care of yourself and improve your mental and physical health.

There are many different forms of yoga. Therefore, depending on what you need and what mood you’re in, you’ll always be able to find the perfect yoga class.

Other body self care tips include:

  • Getting enough sleep and getting good sleep – 7+ hours of sleep is ideal and 8 is preferred 
  • Stretching every morning – try adding this to your daily routine 
  • Replace junk food with healthy meals: a healthy diet will allow you to feel your best 
  • Focus on getting 1 form of physical activity a day 
  • Start your day with a deep breathing exercise (this is great for your immune system) 
  • Foam roll
  • Create a DIY face mask 

While some of those practical self-care activities above may not be top of mind, they are incredibly important when you’re building healthy living habits. A great way to ensure that you’re sticking to your new self care routine is to prioritize self care. If you are struggling with time management, schedule self-care practices in your daily routine.

Bonus: When you think about self care activities for college students, don’t forget practical self care like getting a yearly physical.

Journaling as a Form of Self-Care

Journaling is a simple yet powerful form of self-care that can have numerous benefits for mental and emotional well-being. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you to process your emotions and gain a deeper understanding of yourself.

In addition to being a therapeutic tool, journaling can also be a creative outlet. You can use your journal to explore your creativity, experiment with different writing styles, and record your experiences and observations.

Journaling is one of those healthy habits that can become a special ritual. When we journal, we can look back on our past and where we have come from and sometimes it will allow us to uncover blind spots. 

Some fun journaling ideas:

  • Gratitude dumps – write about all the things you’re grateful for 
  • Create a memory journal, college is an amazing time 
  • Create a bullet journal
  • Find a journal for only doodling 

Art Therapy as a Self-Care Practice

Art therapy is a form of therapy that uses art as a way to express yourself. It involves creating art as a way of exploring your emotions, thoughts, and experiences. Art therapy is a powerful form of self-care because it can help you release stress and stagnant emotions. 

Artsy Self Care Ideas:

  • Grab a coloring book
  • Paint
  • Take a ceramics class
  • Create a masterpiece digitally 
  • Doodle 
  • Look at beautiful art 

Music Therapy for Self-Care

Music therapy involves using music as a means of healing and self-expression. It can involve listening to music, creating music, or even dancing to music.

Like art therapy, you don’t need to be a musician to benefit from music therapy. Simply listening to music that resonates with you can be a powerful form of self-care, helping you to feel more relaxed and grounded.

Music Therapy:

  • Take a sound bath
  • Put together a list of your favorite songs
  • Dance to your favorite music
  • Go to a concert
  • Learn a new instrument 
  • Listen to a new genre of music 

Spending Time With Friends for Self Care

​Social self care can be incredibly underrated. Below are some fun social self care ideas:

  • Say hi to a stranger in the residence hall and compliment them 
  • Join a sorority or fraternity
  • Try going on a friend date 
  • Prioritize writing handwritten notes to friends at home 
  • Form new social relationships by attending meet-up groups 
  • Try out recreational activities that will allow you to meet people like surfing or hiking 
  • Play video games 
  • Ask your best friend to visit you at college 

Nature Walks and Outdoor Activities for Self-Care

Spending time in nature has been shown to have amazing benefits for overall health. Did you know that there is actually something called tree therapy?

Whether you take a walk in the park, or simply sit outside and soak up the sun, being in nature can help you in many different ways. Tree therapy has been known to reduce stress and improve mood. Also, when you find yourself in nature, you can let all your worries and stress go. Getting some sun and listening to the sounds of nature can be great for stress management. 

Aside from being able to experience the benefits of getting fresh air, the list below is also a fun way to experience social activities.

Outdoor Self Care:

  • Nature walks
  • Join a recreational soccer or softball team
  • Ground yourself 
  • Read outside 
  • Go for a long run
  • Put together a feel-good playlist and listen to it outside 
  • Meditate outside – close your eyes, let the sun hit your face, and take deep breaths 
  • Listen to a self care podcast while you walk 
  • Study outside

Self-Care Tips and Resources for College Students

In today’s digital age, there are many self-care apps and resources available to help college students take care of themselves. From meditation apps to gratitude journals, there are numerous resources that can help you to prioritize your mental and emotional well-being.

Some popular self-care apps and resources include Headspace, Calm, and Happify. These apps provide guided meditations, mindfulness exercises, and other tools to help you reduce stress and improve your mental and emotional health. But just remember, spending too much time on the wrong type of social media may not be beneficial. Below are two resources for you:

List of Self Care Apps

How To Set Healthy Boundaries With Social Media

Importance of Prioritizing Self-Care in College Years

We hope you enjoyed our list of self care activities for college students. Self-care is essential for college students, helping to reduce stress, improve mood, and prioritize good health. While traditional forms of self-care, such as exercise and meditation, are undoubtedly effective, there are many creative ways to take care of yourself that can be equally beneficial.

By taking the time to care for yourself, you can build resilience, improve your mood, and approach your work with renewed focus and energy. So, make self-care a priority in your college years, and you’ll reap the benefits for years to come.

College can be a time of sleep deprivation and academic pressures. That’s why it’s so important to take better care of yourself and maximize your free time. If you are new to self care, take small steps to add new habits into your routine. Be gentle with yourself and remember that self-care does not have to be a grandiose gesture. Something simple like prioritizing healthy eating is a great way to focus on self care. If you’re ready to jump in head first, create a self care plan. Think about where you need the most self love in your life and brainstorm activities you love or take some from the list above. 

Final Thoughts:

We hope you enjoyed this list of self care activities for college students. Remember – Self care should be fun, it shouldn’t be a task. And the best thing about your self-care plan or the routine that you create is that it’s custom to you which is the most important part. Final Thoughts:


We are not mental health professionals and we are not medical professionals. If you are struggling with the college experience, daily life, or experiencing symptoms of depression, please seek out mental health services, a mental health care provider, or reach out to a family member.

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1 comment April 26, 2024 - 12:10 pm

I appreciate how this blog promotes self-love and self-care It’s important to prioritize our well-being and your blog reminds me of that


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