33 Positive Skincare Affirmations for Glowing and Radiant Skin

by Tru and Well

Positive Skincare Affirmations – say what?! Yep, today we are talking about clear skin affirmations and we have a list of 28 you can start using today.

If you have a skin condition or skin problems, it’s likely that you may associate negative thoughts with your skincare routine. We want to help you change your thoughts and build a skincare routine that also incorporates positive skincare affirmations.

We’d also like to acknowledge that skincare affirmations will not clear up any skin conditions and if you have a major skin condition, it’s best to see a certified professional.

We are sharing clear skin affirmations in hopes that you’ll start associating your skincare routine with a positive ritual. You’ll be thankful for your skin, and by doing so – you might see some positive results.

Why Should Positive Skincare Affirmations Be a Part of Your Daily Skincare Routine?

Well, where do we start? There’s a saying that we love from Tony Robbins that states – where focus goes, energy flows.

If you’re constantly picking at your skin while thinking negative thoughts, you’re embracing a negative energy around your skin and yourself. It’s hard to have a good day or take care of yourself properly when you’re in a bad mood.

Similar to the law of attraction, you want to attract good, positive things into your life like clear skin!

As a quick reminder, there are so many benefits to using affirmations.

Affirmations are free, can be personalized for you, are great when you need a mental pick me up, and they are a powerful tool to help embrace a healthier mindset.

If you’re constantly thinking things like – ugh, my skin is so dry or wow, I have the worst adult acne, do you think you will exhibit behaviors that will allow you to give your skin the best attention? Most likely no.

The Appearance of Your Skin Can Directly Impact Your Mindset and Self Esteem

Unless you hit the genetic lottery, you probably experienced acne at some point in your life. Many people even experience acne into adulthood. Acne actually impacts 50 million Americans annually!

Skin imperfections and acne can be caused by a number of things – poor diet, food allergies, hormonal changes, and stress to name a few.

Skin issues can be caused by almost anything and in turn, they can affect almost every area of your life. But what about beautiful skin? We can read stats on acne and the negative impacts of acne all day but let’s dive into beautiful skin stats.

According to this study, individuals with clear skin are less likely to experience depression and anxiety.

The same study also found that skincare routines can lower heart rate.

Additional benefits from clear skin include: increased confidence, increased self esteem, and the likelihood that you’ll be more social.

With all those benefits, it doesn’t hurt to add skin affirmations to your routine!

33 Skincare Affirmations that You’ll Love

I have flawless skin that is healthy and radiant

I love taking care of my skin and make it a priority everyday

My skin allows me to live my best life because I’m happy and confident

I nourish my body with healthy food and my skin reaps the benefits

I enjoy my skincare routine and look forward to taking care of my skin in the morning and at the end of the day

Every morning I wake up and notice my gorgeous natural glow

I have clean, well-nourished skin that glows

I’m so happy about the state of my skin

I am a natural beauty and my skin is one of my favorite things about my physical body

My skincare routine is rewarding – I have beautiful skin because of it

I have a positive relationship with my skin and I say positive things about myself and my appearance

Water is key to my healthy skin, I choose to hydrate often and enough each day

I prioritize self care, skincare, and the health of my skin

I treat my skin gently and use products that are gentle on my skin

Sleep is another key to my beautiful skin and I prioritize rest

I am grateful for my skin and the ability to have a great skincare routine

I am so proud of my skin and I want everyone to see how I radiate confidence

My complexion is youthful, clear, and glowing

I always receive compliments on my skin

I love my skin more and more each day

My skin is glowing because I choose to make healthy choices

I am incredibly diligent about caring for my skin and change up my skin routine when needed

My skin gets healthier by the day

I try out new skincare products that are healthy and helpful for my skin

My skin is clear, acne free, and smooth

My skin tone is even, clear, and gorgeous

I admire my skin throughout the day as a reminder of my hard work to take care of it

I have a glow to my skin when I wake up every morning

My skincare routine brings me joy and happiness

I love the skin that I’m in and I’m comfortable showing the world my true self

I have been blessed with beautiful skin and I’m elated that I have the opportunity to prioritize my skin

Skincare is self care and self care is self love

I jump out of bed every morning knowing that I give my skin the best care possible

Skincare Affirmations Are Just the Beginning

Adding skincare affirmations to your routine can help you build a positive mindset and relationship with your skin.

But you will also need to start taking excellent care of your skin as well. We have a few other tips that will help you glow:

  • Use products that are good matches for your skin type
  • Hydrate regularly
  • Try to avoid processed foods
  • Review the ingredients in skin care products and try to choose organic, toxin free products
  • Be consistent
  • Create a morning and nighttime skincare routine
  • Get enough sleep
  • Limit stress through yoga, meditation, a hobby, or another activity you love
  • Avoid products that are not meant to be face products – don’t use hand soap
  • Be careful of excessive exfoliation
  • Pat your skin dry – do not rub it (this is too harsh)
  • Don’t rely solely on makeup wipes to remove all makeup
  • Spend one day a week (or 2) spending more time on your routine with a hydrating mask or special product (if you can)
  • Take your vitamins
  • Use SPF
  • Use Makeup that does not contain toxins
Final Thoughts

A perfect skincare routine doesn’t need to be limited to skincare products and masks. You can always add in positive affirmations and good energy.

Instead of feeling burdened by a skincare routine, give your routine some new life! Say your affirmations while you’re doing your routine and let us know if you see an improvement in your skin!

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