How to Write a Love Letter to Yourself and Why You Should

by Tru and Well

You may be practicing self-love and self-care but have you ever written a love letter to yourself?

Self-love and self-care are important aspects of mental and emotional well-being. And one way to practice self-love is by writing a love letter to yourself.

Writing a love letter to yourself may seem funny but it’s a very powerful act. It can allow us to heal, grow, appreciate ourselves, and increase self-awareness.

One of the reasons why we think that this is so powerful is that it’s rare that we sit and reflect on the things we love about ourselves. Some may think that showing themselves love can be narcissistic but self love and narcissism are very different.

According to Enlightio, “self-love means taking care of yourself in a healthy way, while narcissism is about putting oneself above others and having an inflated sense of self-worth.”

We thought that it might be important to clear that up to make sure if you had any concerns, you can embrace this activity wholeheartedly. Now, let’s get into the fun part of this post – how to create a self love letter to yourself!

What is a Self-Love Letter?

A self love letter is a letter where you share positive thoughts and feelings about yourself. For some, this may feel funny but your future self will appreciate it.

When’s the last time you hyped yourself up? If your best friend came to you and they were having a hard time, would you share all these wonderful things that you love about them? Of course! And so, when you need a pickup, a self-love letter can be amazing.

Even if it’s not exactly for a pick-me-up but for a gift to yourself – think Valentine’s Day, or a birthday message.

But Why Write a Love Letter To Yourself?

So now that we’ve covered what it is – let’s jump into the why.

We don’t want to get too scientific here but our brains have been wired to keep us safe – essentially wired for survival. That was great when we were living 1,000’s years ago but in this day and age, we do not live the way we used to.

While our surroundings and environments have changed, our brains are still wired for survival. And as a part of survival, we also seek external validation.

Now, you may be saying – how does that even make sense? Well, in order to survive in the past, you needed to be a part of a clan. To be part of a group in a social scene, you need to be accepted. Once accepted, you would be a member of a clan, group, or society that provided food, clothing, and shelter.

You may be wondering where we are going but essentially, you may be wired to act in line with a crowd while not truly expressing yourself. We you to drop this old way of thinking and live for yourself – build up your self-esteem and follow your heart. By following your heart and being your true authentic self, you’ll live a life of purpose and love.

Also – How much time do you spend showing yourself, love? This is an easy way to increase self-love and focus on yourself! Change the way you think about yourself, increase your confidence, and practice self-care just by writing yourself a love letter.

How do I even start writing a self love letter?

First, make sure that you’re somewhere that you’re comfortable and in a good mental space. A great place may be in the comfort of your home, at a coffee shop, or even outdoors (some people may want to type a love letter to themself on their phones). Some will thrive in a private space while others may want to be in an energetic and busy place.

Once you’re in a private place, prepare by thinking about what you want to write. Once you’re ready, start the letter by addressing it as you’d like – hey self, dear self, or beautiful (your name here). If you have an idea of what you’d like to write, then go for it!

If you’re not sure what to write, we have several ideas below.

Start by acknowledging your strengths and accomplishments

When writing a love letter to yourself, it’s essential to start by acknowledging your strengths and accomplishments. This can be difficult for some people, especially if they struggle with low self-esteem or negative self-talk.

However, taking the time to reflect on your positive qualities and achievements can help you see yourself in a more positive light. Consider writing down a list of your strengths and accomplishments before you begin your love letter. This can serve as a helpful reference as you write.

This may turn into an exercise where you list out positive affirmations – and that’s amazing! This letter should be full of positive things so if it turns into a gratitude letter or affirmations note, let it happen! This is also about capturing the essence of joy and honoring your own happiness.

Write about the things you love about yourself

In your love letter to yourself, it’s important to focus on the things you love about yourself.

This can include your personality traits, physical features, talents, and accomplishments. Be specific and detailed in your descriptions, and don’t be afraid to celebrate yourself.

Remember, this letter is all about self-love and self-care, so take the time to really appreciate and acknowledge the amazing person that you are.

We all have unique ways of expressing ourselves so remember to embrace all your unique qualities.

Pro-tip: Think about the little details and write as if you’re writing to a good friend.

Forgive yourself for past mistakes and embrace self-compassion

One of the most important aspects of writing a love letter to yourself is practicing self-compassion.

This means forgiving past mistakes and treating yourself with kindness and understanding. It’s easy to be hard on ourselves and focus on our flaws and shortcomings, but self-compassion allows us to see ourselves in a more positive light. Remember, everyone makes mistakes and has flaws – it’s part of being human. By embracing self-compassion, you can learn to love and accept yourself just as you are.

If you want to write about forgiving yourself for things and moving forward, this is another really powerful exercise. Sometimes it can take a long time to heal and this is a great way to start.

Set intentions for self-improvement and growth

While writing a love letter to yourself is a powerful act of self-love and self-care, it can also be a tool for setting intentions for self-improvement and growth. Take some time to reflect on areas of your life where you would like to see growth or change.

Maybe you want to work on being more patient with yourself, or maybe you want to prioritize self-care more often. Whatever it may be, use your love letter as a way to set intentions and hold yourself accountable for making positive changes in your life. Remember, self-love and self-improvement go hand in hand.

End with a reminder of your worth and value

As you finish writing your love letter to yourself, it’s important to end with a reminder of your worth and value. Acknowledge your challenges and struggles, but also recognize your strengths and accomplishments. Remember that you are deserving of love and care and that you have the power to create positive change in your life.

By writing this love letter to yourself, you are taking a powerful step towards self-love and self-acceptance. Keep it close and refer back to it whenever you need a reminder of your own worth and value.

Feel free to share your words of encouragement. The most important relationship in your life is the relationship you have with yourself.

Final Thoughts

Thanks for stopping by Tru&Well! We hope that you enjoyed reading about how to write a love letter to yourself. If you end up trying this out, make sure to tag us on social media!

This is a great activity to put on your self care bingo or use as a yearly birthday tradition!

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