How to Use Abundance Manifestation Numbers to Live Your Dream Life

by Tru and Well

Have you been seeing a lot of the same numbers lately? People always say that seeing 11:11 is lucky because it’s an angel number but what about the other numbers? Have you ever wondered if you could use abundance manifestation numbers to create a life of your dreams?

Seeing lucky numbers can mean that good news is around the corner, it may mean that you are destined for new things, or it could signal financial abundance. Either way, seeing a series of numbers is often associated with diving meaning.

These numbers, Angel numbers, might come into your life to signify that you’re on the right path, good things are imminent, or that new opportunities are right around the corner.

In this post, we dive into manifestation, the law of attraction, how to use abundance manifestation numbers, and common angel numbers.

Manifestation and How To Use Abundance Manifestation Numbers

Manifestation has so many different definitions.

In order to keep it simple, we define Manifestation as the act of directing positive energy and thoughts to a desired outcome, goal, or item so that it will become true.

Manifestation involves a positive mindset, knowing exactly what you want, and believing it to be true. It also involves inspired action towards your goal. We can easily work manifestation into our daily routines by thinking about our goals and visualizing them first thing in the morning.

Manifestation can be broken down into the following steps:

  • Get specific about what you want
  • Visualize what you want, write it out, embrace the feelings of what you want
  • Believe that it can truly come true
  • Take steps to make this happen
  • Allow the universe to work it’s magic by believing that you already have it

There are many different manifestation techniques that people use. Some people will use manifestation scripting, some will use a vision board, others will use manifestation rituals regularly. One of the manifestation rituals we love is showing gratitude for what you currently have and gratitude for what you want.

If you want a promotion, a new car, a boyfriend, or to move to a new city – thank the universe for it! Act like you already have it. At the end of the day, in order for manifestation to happen, you’ll need to act like you already have it.

Manifestation and the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction, LOA, is often defined simply by stating that your thoughts create your reality. What you think about, you create. You have the ability to create your life through positive or negative thoughts that you have during the day. The Law of Attraction became very popular through the movie the Secret and the book, the Secret by Rhonda Byrne.

Many people will use manifestation and the law of attraction interchangeably but some argue that they may be different.

With the Law of Attraction, many believe that your thoughts alone will change your environment – you can change your everyday life just with thought and it’s always in the works. Therefore, your thoughts right now are the Law of Attraction at work.

On the other hand, manifestation is more about being specific about what you want and using the law of attraction to achieve it.

Manifestation utilizes the power of the Law of Attraction but they are not the same. Additionally, manifestation also requires that you raise your vibration. You create a positive energy that is strong enough to create alignment with what you want and then you attract it. The Law of Attraction does not need you to raise your vibration. High vibe or not – you are attracting things at all times.

That’s why it’s so important to stay in alignment!

Now, where do angels numbers come into play? Now that we’ve covered manifestation and the Law of Attraction, let’s talk about attracting abundance and angel numbers.

What are Abundance Manifestation numbers and why are they important?

Abundance Manifestation Numbers aka Angel Numbers are said to be number sequences from divine guidance or our spirit guides. Seeing Angel Numbers is often the universe’s way of providing guidance to us. There are many different angel numbers and these number patterns all hold different meanings. You may have a special angel number that you’re seeing regularly because particular angel numbers will signal things in life. These numbers can be signals for financial prosperity, positive changes, new beginnings, and good fortune.

What’s your lucky number? Let’s dive into angel numbers, and the particular meaning of the most common angel numbers. And as a quick reminder, the best numbers for you may be different for someone else. Everyone is on a different path in life and it’s important to share good energy with everyone.

We’ve been using angel number and manifestation number interchangeably because angel numbers are positive signals for your manifestation.

Angel Numbers – the History of them and meaning

Does a number keep popping up in your life? Maybe you’ve seen it on a few license plates, it’s hidden in your families telephone numbers, or you just keep looking at the clock at that time? Angel numbers seem to pop up in your daily life and they are a powerful reminder that the universe has got your back.

In numerology, angel numbers are sequences containing repetition, usually consisting of three or four numbers (111 or 2222) and may also include patterns (123, 4545).

They are often associated with divine meaning and they have been used by societies for hundreds of thousands of years. Angel numbers have nothing to do with our astrological sign or birth chart, they have everything to do with our current life and there’s a high probability that they are associated with spiritual guidance.

Angel numbers are also fluid, there’s a good chance that you’ll see many different angel numbers throughout life but you can trust in the universe that you’ll get the right angel number at the perfect time. From financial matters to a new relationship, seeing repeating numbers can be a positive signal from a higher power that you’re life is going in the right direction. The universe is hinting that there may be great things coming!

How to Use the power of Angel Numbers to Manifest a Dream life

If you want to harness the power of manifesting with abundance manifestation numbers, you can add angel numbers into your manifestation routine.

If you enjoy writing out your goals and manifestations, write out the angel number regularly, visualize the angel number and associate it with the abundance you wish to desire. Utilize your manifestation journal to track your manifestation practice and angel numbers.

Use angel numbers in your meditation. Also, our minds can often wander during meditation. But, if you repeat the number regularly, you can use it to meditate and manifest your abundance.

Wear jewelry with your favorite abundance numbers. Put on a necklace, ring, or accessory daily with your angel number and make it top of mind throughout the day. By keeping these angel numbers top of mind, you’ll be certain to be focused on your dream list.

Angel Number Meanings

Now that we’ve covered how to use angel numbers in your manifestation practice, here are some of the angel number meanings that you can utilize to attract abundance.

There are manifestation numbers for luck, angel numbers for money, and angel numbers for relationships. Let’s dive into the meaning of each below – they are so much more than just sequences of numbers.

Angel Number 000

When you see the number 000 is often associated with endings and beginnings. This may mean that something in your life is coming to and end, closure is near and that makes room for new beginnings. This could be a sign that better things are on the horizon once your current situation ends.

This number is also associated with creation and your potential. There’s something on the horizon and you have the ability to create the life of your dreams!

Did you know that when you see 000, then it means that you are about to receive divine messages from your guardian angels? 000 meaning reveals that a new cycle of life is about to begin whenever you encounter this number. The angel number 000 meaning is one of great power and possibility!

Angel Number 111

If you keep seeing the 111 angel number, this means that you intentions are manifesting and you need to get clear on what you want. Stay away from negative emotions and keep your thoughts and mindset positive.

Angel Number 444

The meaning of Angel Number 444 is positive change. Evidently, your guides are with you and you are on a path of change that is positive. You are being guided by angels and it’s best to stay on the path that you are on!

Angel Number 777

You got this – and some luck on your side! The meaning of angel number 777 is one of fortune, blessings, and great success. Basically, when you see number 777, something truly divine is happening in your life. You are on the right path of your spiritual journey and you are receiving divine guidance.

Angel Number 888

Is associated with money, honey! This may mean that you’re on your way to a promotion or you’re going to acquire material wealth. Therefore, blessings could also come in a form of a new job that gives you a big pay bump!

To keep it simple, you’re aligned with the money you desire and it’s on the way! The 888 angel number meanings is one of financial prosperity and it’s a signal that abundance is on the way.

Angel Number 555

The meaning of angel number 555 is signaling you to make a change in your life. You are getting a message to start living your life in alignment with your purpose. This could mean that you are not living your purpose in your current life or job. The angel messages and hinting that you can live your life with more purpose. A fresh start and a more aligned life may be in your future!

Final Thoughts

We hope you enjoyed reading about angel numbers and that you find happiness and prosperity. At the end of the day, Angel numbers are so special – because in each day, you may find a hidden message. These will provide guidance and help you set your sights on what you want.

The most important thing that you can take from this is that if you live in the present moment, you put out good energy into the world with a positive attitude, and you treat people with love, you’ll be able to find your higher purpose.

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