40+ Breakup Affirmations To Help Heal A Broken Heart

by Tru and Well

If you’re going through a tough breakup, first off, we are sorry and secondly, we suggest trying breakup affirmations. Breaking up with someone is never easy – it can be emotionally and mentally exhausting. You may be experiencing emotions that you are not used to. Your life may have changed drastically and we are sorry that you’re going through this.

The emotional pain and negative thoughts can feel overwhelming, and it can be hard to see any good things in the midst of it all. However, one of the best ways to move forward from a broken heart is to shift your mindset to a positive one. This is where post-breakup affirmations come in.

Affirmations can be added to your morning routine, said at night, or repeated throughout the day. Additionally, using affirmations is a quick way to adjust your mindset if negative thoughts are creeping in. If you’re not familiar with affirmations, let’s cover them quickly.

Why Affirmations?

Affirmations are quick bursts of positivity that can help you develop a more positive mindset. They are motivational mantras that offer support and words of encouragement during difficult times. Affirmations are easy-to-read and inclusive. They can be used by people of all identities and backgrounds to help them on their healing journey and they are free.

The power of positive affirmations is well-documented in mental health research. Spending time each day reading and repeating affirmations is a great way to reprogram your subconscious mind and promote a healthy outlook on life. Affirmations can help you let go of negative self-talk and past regrets and move in the right direction toward a more positive future.

In the context of a breakup, affirmations can be especially helpful. They can help you process the end of a relationship, and remind you that you are an amazing person with a life full of possibilities. The most important thing to remember during difficult times is that you have the power to be the best version of yourself, even after a tough relationship.

40 Positive Statements To Help You Heal

There are many great affirmations to choose from, but some of the best affirmations for a breakup include:

  • I am worthy of love and healthy relationships
  • I am capable of healing from emotional pain
  • I am open to new paths and opportunities
  • I am grateful for the good reasons that led me to this moment
  • I trust the process of love and know that the real truth is universal love
  • I am strong enough to handle this breakup
  • This breakup is not the end of my happiness
  • I am excited about this new path that I will embark on 
  • I am capable of finding love again
  • I will not let this breakup define me

I am worthy of love and respect

  • I am grateful for the lessons I learned from this relationship
  • I release any negative emotions and move forward with positivity
  • My heart is healing every day
  • I am free to be myself without anyone holding me back
  • This breakup is a necessary step toward finding true love
  • I trust that the universe has something better in store for me
  • I choose to focus on the present and the future, not the past
  • I am grateful for the good times we shared, but it’s time to move on
  • I am surrounded by love and support from my friends and family
  • My future is bright and full of possibilities
  • I am worthy of being treated with love and kindness
  • I forgive myself and my ex-partner for any mistakes made in the relationship
  • I am proud of myself for having the strength to end an unhealthy relationship
  • I am capable of creating a happy and fulfilling life on my own
  • I trust that everything happens for a reason, even if it’s hard to see right now
  • I release any anger or bitterness and choose to move forward with love and positivity
  • I am confident in my ability to handle whatever challenges come my way
  • I am grateful for the time we spent together, but it’s time for me to move on
  • I am grateful for the love and lessons I received from this relationship
  • I am worthy of a healthy and loving relationship

Each Day I attract good vibes because I am a wonderful person

  • I trust that the universe is guiding me on the right path
  • I am proud of myself for having the courage to end a toxic relationship
  • I release any guilt or shame and choose to move forward with self-love and acceptance
  • I am free to be myself without anyone judging or criticizing me
  • I am grateful for the support and love I have received from my loved ones during this time
  • I am confident in my ability to heal and move on from this breakup
  • this is the beginning of a positive new direction that I am looking forward to 
  • I let go of past regrets and free myself from any former judgments 

I release any negative beliefs about myself or my worthiness of love

  • I choose to let go of any negative feelings and focus on my own growth and happiness
  • I am worthy of a partner who loves and respects me for who I am
  • I am grateful for the lessons I learned from this relationship, even if they were painful
  • I am free to pursue my own dreams and goals without anyone holding me back
  • I choose to focus on the positive aspects of the relationship, rather than dwelling on the negative
  • I trust that everything will work out for the best in the end
  • I am grateful for the memories we shared, but I am ready to make new ones on my own
  • I am worthy of a healthy and happy relationship with someone who loves and respects me

All things will happen for me at the perfect time 

  • I am capable of moving on and finding happiness again
  • I am grateful for the growth and self-discovery I experienced during this relationship
  • I choose to focus on the present moment and the future, rather than dwelling on the past
  • I am proud of myself for having the courage to end a relationship that was not serving me
  • I am free to be myself and express my true feelings without judgment
  • I trust that the universe has a plan for me and my happiness
  • My daily life excites me and I look forward to each new day 
  • I am grateful for the lessons I learned in my last relationship 
  • I let go of all the pain that I was holding from my past relationship 
  • I will become a better person as I learn to heal and grow 
  • Every day I am closer to living my perfect life – the universe has my back
  • I release any regrets and choose to move forward with self-love and acceptance

These affirmations can be read and repeated on a daily basis, either in an affirmation journal or out loud. They are powerful affirmations that can help you on your journey toward a fresh start and a new magical relationship.

Final thoughts

If you are struggling with a difficult breakup, it might be helpful to seek out therapy services. Registered play therapists like Kierstyn Franklin or trauma treatment specialists like Melissa Lavigne and Tiffany Denny can offer support and guidance during the healing process.

Play therapy may not be something you’re used to but it may be a good healing option when paired with breakup affirmations.

Alternatively, you can try incorporating other self-care practices like yoga or spending time with a trusted family member or friend.

No matter what, the first step towards a better love life is believing that you are worthy of love and the best things life has to offer. Even during the hardest times, remember that you are an amazing and joyful person with the power to create your own life. With daily affirmations and the help of others, you can become the most exquisite version of yourself and find functional relationships that last for the long run.

We hope you enjoyed reading these breakup affirmations.

Even in the darkest times, you are not alone. Remember that many people have experienced what you are going through and it’s okay to allow yourself to be sad. While these easy-to-read affirmations may not heal a broken heart right away, by embracing positive thoughts, you can work on being the best version of yourself. Also, please remember that it’s important to take time for yourself. There is no reason to jump into a new relationship. And romantic relationships should not be rushed once you’re in one. Take time to prioritize yourself and learn to love yourself.

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